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Sometimes we will need to modify existing dictionaries so we get the right combination of identities and behaviors.

Note. Better documentation coming shortly.

Merging Two Different Dictionaries

The following code merges two dictionaries: usfullsurveyor2015 and mostafaviestimates2022.

It uses the anti_join() function from the dplyr package to keep all the rows from the mostafaviestimates2022 dictionary that don’t have a match in the usfullsurveyor2015 dictionary.

act <- interact(dictionary = "usfullsurveyor2015")
#>  equations = list(key = "us2010", group = "all")
#>  dictionary = list(dataset = "usfullsurveyor2015", group = "all")
mostafavi <- interact("mostafaviestimates2022")
#>  equations = list(key = "us2010", group = "all")
#>  dictionary = list(dataset = "mostafaviestimates2022", group = "all")

new_rows <- dplyr::anti_join(mostafavi$dictionary, act$dictionary)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(term, component, ratings, n, sd)`
#> Rows: 4,496
#> Columns: 5
#> $ term      <chr> "27_year_old", "abandon", "abandoned", "abash", "abbot", "ab…
#> $ component <chr> "identity", "behavior", "modifier", "behavior", "identity", …
#> $ ratings   <list> <0.49, -1.24, 0.70>, <-3.00, 0.11, -0.27>, <-2.95, -0.68, -…
#> $ n         <list> <NA, NA, NA>, <NA, NA, NA>, <NA, NA, NA>, <NA, NA, NA>, <NA
#> $ sd        <list> <0.14, 0.17, 0.17>, <0.26, 0.10, 0.13>, <0.25, 0.15, 0.18>,…

act$dictionary <- dplyr::bind_rows(act$dictionary, new_rows)
#>  added new dictionary
#> ── Interact Analysis ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Dictionary: External [!] (group: ?)
#>  Equations: us2010
#>   impressionabo (group: all)

Note that a message appeared signaling that the replacement was successful.

You should now be able to use the new extended dictionary.

Adding Modified Identities

Sometimes we will want to add modified identities, which we can get with the $modify_identity() method.

To do this we will first have to add a modifier equation with the $add_equation() method and then create a grid of modifiers and identities.

act <- interact(dictionary = "usfullsurveyor2015")
#>  equations = list(key = "us2010", group = "all")
#>  dictionary = list(dataset = "usfullsurveyor2015", group = "all")
act$add_equation(type = "traitid", group = "all")
#>  traitid = list(key = "us2010", group = "all")

modifiers <- act$dictionary |> 
  dplyr::filter(component == "modifier") |> 
  ## get thirty random modifiers
  dplyr::slice_sample(n = 30) |> 

identities <- act$dictionary |> 
  dplyr::filter(component == "identity") |> 
  ## get thirty random identities
  dplyr::slice_sample(n = 30) |> 

new_identities <- tidyr::crossing(
  M = modifiers,
  I = identities

#> Rows: 900
#> Columns: 2
#> $ M <chr> "big", "big", "big", "big", "big", "big", "big", "big", "big", "big"…
#> $ I <chr> "air_force_officer", "baby", "bohemian", "boyfriend", "capitalist", …

new_rows <- act$modify_identity(new_identities)

#> Rows: 900
#> Columns: 3
#> $ term      <chr> "big__air_force_officer", "big__baby", "big__bohemian", "big…
#> $ component <chr> "identity", "identity", "identity", "identity", "identity", …
#> $ ratings   <list> <0.345404, 2.553300, 1.026200>, <0.5281, -0.3843, 1.1042>, …

Now we just do as we did before.

act$dictionary <- dplyr::bind_rows(act$dictionary, new_rows)
#>  added new dictionary
tail(act$dictionary) ## verify that new identities are present.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 5
#>   term                      component ratings   n      sd    
#>   <chr>                     <chr>     <list>    <list> <list>
#> 1 vivacious__teenager       identity  <dbl [3]> <NULL> <NULL>
#> 2 vivacious__textile_worker identity  <dbl [3]> <NULL> <NULL>
#> 3 vivacious__toddler        identity  <dbl [3]> <NULL> <NULL>
#> 4 vivacious__tv_repairman   identity  <dbl [3]> <NULL> <NULL>
#> 5 vivacious__umpire         identity  <dbl [3]> <NULL> <NULL>
#> 6 vivacious__virgin         identity  <dbl [3]> <NULL> <NULL>